Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 124 - Oh Buddy

My day started out terrific. An early morning up with the lil ones and the rise of the eastern sun.

I went for a jaunt over to the park for some ball catching.

At 2pm, I attended puppy school with my human pack leader, one of the lil' ones and her friend.
There we practiced loose leash walking, come and sit. and leave it.
I was all pumped up for play time... until Buddy. Yes, the one I got into a scruffle with at the first class started barking off. Although he physically looked a few inches wide, surely not any.
I had enough of his pouncing around. so I started barking back at him. Ruff Ruff!
I take it the trainer didn't appreciate it as I heard her mention that there would be no play time!
The guy needs some serious puddle power!
Moreover, I had my first bath and my nails cut :P
It's quite an embarrassing affair to be groomed over. Id rather roll in cat poo (oh, what a wonderful experience).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 123 - Addendum to Human Pack Leader's Comments

Disclaimer: I am not a vet or a health care professional. Feeding a raw species appropriate diet can be a controversial topic, and like any feeding regimen can have health risks associated with incorrect feeding and preparation. DO NOT FEED COOKED BONES, ever! Cooking bones changes the molecular structure, they become brittle and may splinter and injure or kill your dog!! NO COOKED BONES.

Do your own research FIRST before diving into a new method of feeding your dog. Read as many books and articles as you can, talk to successful raw feeders and find a mentor, and use your own judgment and gut instinct. If you aren’t comfortable with it, DON’T do it. Remember there are many ways to feed your dogs, with many variations. Just because I don’t cover it here, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

The ideas and opinions in this section of the web site are my own, and come from feeding my dog.

I will be constantly evolving, tweaking and changing my ideas as my knowledge and experience increases. Take any ideas I present here at your own risk and discretion.

I hope you and your dogs enjoy many healthy years together.

Day 123 - Learnings from Human Pack Leader

The Ultimate Diet (RAW-based) Primary References

By Kymythy R. Schultze, CCN, AHI

What the cupboard should contain:

  • Raw based feed 20% fruits/veggies/organs, 80% muscle meat and bone (beef, chicken, fish, bison, lamb)... veggies must be juiced, 1-2 tablespoons per day of above ground veggies or appropriate fruits. (Note: Since dogs are carnivores, many argue veggies and fruits are an unnecessary part of a canine's diet. Rather, it would be best to feed the canine raw animals that are herbivores rather than raw veggies/fruits.) For example:
  • a daily diet of raw chicken frames, backs, and legs (whole or ground) (meal portion depends on age)  
  • mixed in with raw MEATY BONES (eg. beef marrow bones, beef femur or knuckle bones, etc.) for recreational chewing, psychological development, muscle growth, teeth. (bigger the bone, the better)
  • green unbleached raw tripe
  • beef/chicken liver, heart, or lung
  • veggies/fruits (mushed or juiced) are optional
  • raw or boiled eggs 
  • Over time, introducing small portions, one can introduce other meats. 
The maybes.... [Note: many argue that supplements are NOT NECESSARY with a canine who is fed a raw based RMB (raw MEATY BONES, emphasis on meaty bones) diet based on the above noted essentials] [For example, I provide Puddle with the maybe's from time to time (ie. 1 or 2 times a week for the added boost of essential elements during his puppy years]
  • cod liver oil - vit D, esp during winter months. But should be added in daily depending on weight of the animal. Do NOT Overdose on cod liver oil since there are detrimental side effects. For 20 pound puppy, approx. 1250 IU vitamin A and under is best//100IU vitamin D and under is best; 1/2 teaspoon. You can drop down the dosage and interval if you are feeding the canine raw offal such as beef liver.
  • salmon oil, for omega 3/6, contributes to nice shiny oily coats
  • vitamin c 1000-1500 IUs per day
  • 1/4 teaspoon of kelp powder + 1/4 teaspoon of alfalfa powder for a wide range of essential vitamins (per cup of food) (a wonderful source of multi vitamins)
Prozyme (trade mark)- by eating raw the pup is argued to get the necessary enzymes.... however, prozyme/or prozyme pro help to provide necessary digestive enzymes, regardless.... also, the older the animal the more prevalent its use for assisting with the animal's digestion (especially on dry kibble). Also, very good to use while transitioning a dog over to RAW or to be used at all times for a dog fed on kibble.

Treats include such raw items as diced nuts - pecans, almonds, sunflower/pumpkin seeds, diced fruits (no grapes), etc.

The Bone and Biscuit Company

Disclaimer: I am not a vet or a health care professional. Feeding a raw species appropriate diet can be a controversial topic, and like any feeding regimen can have health risks associated with incorrect feeding and preparation. DO NOT FEED COOKED BONES, ever! Cooking bones changes the molecular structure, they become brittle and may splinter and injure or kill your dog!! NO COOKED BONES.
Do your own research FIRST before diving into a new method of feeding your dog. Read as many books and articles as you can, talk to successful raw feeders and find a mentor, and use your own judgment and gut instinct. If you aren’t comfortable with it, DON’T do it. Remember there are many ways to feed your dogs, with many variations. Just because I don’t cover it here, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
The ideas and opinions in this section of the web site are my own, and come from feeding my dog.
I will be constantly evolving, tweaking and changing my ideas as my knowledge and experience increases. Take any ideas I present here at your own risk and discretion.
I hope you and your dogs enjoy many healthy years together.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 120 - Off Leash Doggie Park

I went to my first off leash doggie park! It was so sunny and warm :P

Did you know?
Edmonton has over 40 sites where I can run and
play without having you on the other end of the leash.
It gives me emotional benefits from exercise and by socializing
with other dog owners.

Some off leash areas are in river valley parks, some are on undeveloped land, still others are in neighbourhood parks. All sites have boundaries but are not fenced.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 119 - Goodbye grandma

What a wonderful weekend full of activities, hugs and kisses. The lil' ones had their grandmother come in from Lotusland with a bag full of toys. Grannie fed me celery and carrots. Yum! I also had a chance to meet Amelia, the new baby cousin in the family. Cute pink gum boots! They stayed the long weekend. Enjoyed the ample sunshine that Edmonton now offers in late April.

Being it's Easter Monday.... We have just dropped them off at YEG, back to YVR.

Bye Amelia. I miss you. Bon voyage!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 115 - Vaccines accepted

Stool update: My excrements are solid, dry. Pick up made easy. The volume of the stool has significantly gone down. I feel my digestive system is sucking out near every nutrient provided me through the RAW diet.

Ive been told that stool that is usually wet and big indicates I didn't actually digest much after eating a meal. After three days, the stool should have turn into virtually dust.

I have had no adverse reaction to my third set of vaccine shots. Also, there's been no apparent adverse reaction to the rabies vaccine. Puddle power baby.

One year, I get my vaccine and rabies boosters. Plus a pyran pill.

I went out to the park for a run around.

While at the park, my human pack leader and I noticed that a house near the park was on fire. We were first tipped off by a slight burning smell emanating from the air.... quickly, we located the first by the slight smoke rising in front of us. Burning wood and plastic.
Within minutes the residing neighbourhood was crawling with red trucks with hoses hanging off the sides.

BTW. GO Canucks!
Habs are going into OT....

My dream is to be fed out of Lord Stanley's Cup.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 114 - Throw and return

Another early morning for me. Rise and sun at 530 am.
Prior to breakfast and lunch I had the fortunate chance to have a saunter in the sunshine.

After lunch, my lil human pack brother had one of his friends from preschool over.

Fun Time! He was a bit scared a first. I suspicious of him. But after a few treats, we were best buddies. (I rather not like that name "buddy", especially after my skirmish with the chocolate lab named "buddy"). Thinking of that dog buddy makes me think....

Yet again my stool was solid; unlike the intermittent runs I experienced for two weeks prior to this past weekend.

I also had the BARF weighed out.

Puddle power baby.

Let me compute
As of today, my body weight is 19.9 pounds.
Take 6% of my body weight.
that comes out to = 1.19pounds
1.19 pounds is = to 560 grams
approximately 560 grams of BARF per day, based on weight based feeding methodology.
what this amounted to was approximately 1 pound of ground whole chicken dinner (with veggies and fruit), coupled with 6 raw chicken necks.
During the evening I was shown my new urban park. My hang out. There were no dogs and no people. Just me and my human pack leader. He brought da whistling ball.

I showed him what an Aussie can do.
He was amazed. Prior to this, his belief was only Canucks know how to play on ice and snow.

I have a funny suspicion he threw in a few extra chicken necks.
Im dog gone sure the bowl had 605 grams of food.
What ever the case may be. It sure was good. BFFE

Im in heeee aaaa ven. Im in Heaaaaa vannnnnnn... laaa laaa laaaaaaaaaa deeeee daaaaahhhhh.

oh. Bed time!

Ruff Ruff :P

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 112 - Observations from Human Pack Leader

Puddle's stool and GI/digestive issues are much better now he's been transitioned over to RAW, if not corrected. His stools are solid. He's going less often. An indication he is better. He did not do well on the Go! Endurance grain free, nor the vet prescribed can wet/dry kibble diet. Once he stablized off the vet diet, I moved him over to RAW.

RAW based diet has come highly recommended.

As such, he was immediately transitioned over to RAW (ie rapid switch). Odds were he would accept the RAW immediately, and that it would help him out with his lil' GI issue.

Like the miracles of pumpkin for helping to ease over a dog's digestive issues (the use of basic ingredients sometimes has the most profound outcomes), a strict diet of RAW has brought it all back to baseline.

His stool since the change over to RAW (day one), as compared to the past two weeks of runs, has been transformational.

Day 112 - Stool Time

I feel much better today now that I made the rapid switch over to RAW.
For the first time in weeks my stool has come out solid and hard.

I'm going to see over this week how my digestive system handles

Having been up since early dawn, looks like a sunny day.

Ruff Ruff. :P

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 111 - Switch to RAW

At the advice of given by DJAussies, my human pack leader has switched me over
to a RAW based diet! Yum, my first 1/4 pound sample was at 7pm consisting of antibiotic free fresh chicken, ground down as a whole carcass with a blend of meats and bone; as well as organ meat and a blend of vegetables and fruits, each selected to provide a specific balance of nutrition and health benefits.

Although I love my comfy kennel and place on the couch and love to cuddle with my human family, deep down I love to eat like my ancestors did – raw muscle – organs and bones – yum!

BARF= Biologically Appropriate Raw Food

Click below for more information:

3. Tom Lonsdale, Veterinary Surgeon

Two Canadian suppliers, as an example listed below
Reddogdeli - Vancouver, BC based

Legacy - Edmonton, AB based

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 110- so long Buddy!

I went to puppy obedience class and you know who, B-u-d-d-y the
chocolate lab who annoyed me last class was a no show... either the
kid got kicked out for disrespecting his mates, or ...

he's scared of me....Hey, no hard feelings buddy!
what ever the case maybe....Sigh-ah-nara!

In class, we went over name recognition training, reviewing what I began from 2
weeks ago (Lindsay, my teacher was sick last week).

Next, a lesson on loose leash walking, with a combo of sit. Of course,
I kept hearing the click prior to every treat provided. Yum-mey!

Next was playtime! There were three other play mates, but I decided to
focus on the smallest one and chase him around. Bouncing around the
training pen.
He kept shying away from me, and so I body checked him with a playful
measure. I noticed his family aghast as I mauled him over a bit, but
Lindsay kept saying: "suck it up buttercup"... telling me
I have liberty! Freedom to be. Oh ya, playful license to roughhouse!

After class, the family went out for ice cream! Nap time calls.

Ruff Ruff. :P

Sent from my mobile device

No more De-tentions!

I have puppy school today. 2pm Mtn time sharp. I sure hope Buddy the chocolate lab and I can get along since our little dust up last class. What that resulted in was me in detention hall. I did hear Buddy get into another fight after detention... but that's no ruff of mine.

School is a family affair. All participate giving me treats.

Im still trying to figure out why these treats are coming with a clicking noise

Ruff Ruff :P

Friday, April 15, 2011

Value statement

Ive been thinking of my brothers and sisters. Wondering what and who they will become ... Click here:

I aspire to be good natured family dog.
Loyal to my family.
Watchful and kind.

Exuberant with the young.
and Therapeutic with the old.

Ruff Ruff :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Snow

Snow -7 Celsius. 8:48pm- snowfall warning in effect

A laid back morning bright and early 530am. Cafe jazz playing in the kitchen... the smell of hot brewed java.... wish I could drink a hot coffee with honey.....

When let outside in the first rays of sun rise, I noticed a fresh layer of white soft snow covering the ground. Simply.... Irresistible powdery, cotton layers to tunnel my nose into and investigate. I love hopping around in the freshly fallen snow.

My digestive tract issue. I am still on the vet prescribed low residue wet food, trying to maintain healthy solid stool. It's strange having my owner constantly monitoring my excrements, but I guess it's part of growing up.

The state of my stool.... has gotten a lil' better.

Plan is to introduce a low residue kibble slowly over time into the wet, increasing the amount of kibble and decreasing the wet over time.... Once the wonderful wet runs out, I then will transition to the Go! Endurance kibble. But it may be the Go! is simply too rich, maybe too high in crude protein at 34%. May have to go down chomping on some kibble with crude protein at 24-28% ... but not any lower since I am a puppy that requires a fair amount of protein (as compared to my mom and dad).

Last night, I over heard a conversation re: Raw/BARF for urban dogs.... an interesting debate.
However, Treats outside of the normal kibble will be no go for a while until my gut can handle things.

I realize that I don't chew much when I eat. Simply don't have the teeth built for it right now. Moisten kibble treats are good to me.

Bed time... Ruff Ruff :P

Monday, April 11, 2011

Premier Easy Walk (TM) Harness

Sure fire way to prevent me from pulling on a leash during walks.

The Runs

Still have the runs today. Jackie the Vet gave me more yummy GI food to eat for the next week, with some low residue dry kibble to come in a few days.

May have to go off the Go! Endurance Grain Free kibble :( for some better alternative. Only time and my gut will tell. Ruff Ruff :P

Rabies shot today!

1:30pm sharp. Southside Animal Hospital.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It is ten degrees Celsius here in Edmonton. Sunny. Blue sky. T-shirts. Bbqs. October snow is finally melting.

As such, Ive gone for a few walks today enjoying the rays. However, Id start these walks known as 'puddle' but by the time I reached home, I became known as 'MUD-dles'. My paws and my belly are suspected to be mud magnets.

BTW, I am back to normal now! Thank you South Side Animal Hospital. To the lovely
Dr. Jackie Simmonds, ruff ruff! . Highly recommended by the 'Puds'.

Ruff Ruff :P

Dr. Simmonds graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1983. She has been with South Side Animal Hospital intermittently as a locum veterinarian since 1984. In 2007 she became a regular part time veterinarian with the clinic. Dr. Simmonds is currently taking her course work to become certified in veterinary acupuncture which will be completed in 2008.

Ian Dunbar - Effective Dog Training

Don't make the mistake of treating your dogs like humans, or they'll treat you like dogs.

April 08, 2011 - Diane Rancourt of Chelmsford took photos of a dog being rescued by
Greater Sudbury Fire Services on Wednesday after falling through the ice in a lake on
Vermilion Lake Road in Dowling.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I am looking at you! Ruff Ruff :P

I am looking at you! Ruff Ruff :P
mosh pits, plural

An area where moshing occurs

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job." Franklin P. Jones

Darwin Schandor (centre) was elated Thursday to be reunited with his 18-month-old Burmese Mountain dog, Hurley, who got lost on a heavily wooded trail in North Vancouver for two weeks. (L-R) North Shore Rescue's Jeff Yarnold, Tim Jones and Mike Danks performed the daring helicopter rescue.
April 07 2011 - A North Vancouver family is “exhausted and elated” after a dramatic helicopter rescue Thursday reunited them with their 18-month-old Burmese Mountain Dog, Hurley, who spent two weeks lost and starving in the North Shore mountains.

Read more:

Sunshine in the AM

Spring has finally arrived. I can now see more patches of grass on
people's lawns as I went for my early morning stroll. I can see the
possibilities of where I can poo/pee. I just had my breakfast and now
will take my morning nap. At my age I need 15 hours of zzzzzzz. Ruff
ruff. :P

My diet for the next few days

The doc prescribed IAMS Vet Formula to manage GI upsets until the weekend.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shhhhh.... What age is it appropriate to tell your dog that he is adopted? -lead pack question...

adoption papers

Japan Tsunami Dog Reunited with Owner!

Click here:

TOKYO - A dog that was rescued from a floating roof off Japan's tsunami-battered northeast coast was reunited with its owner Monday, public broadcaster NHK said.
A member of the Japan Coast Guard holds a dog that was rescued from a the drifting remains of a roof off the coast of Kesennuma in the Pacific Ocean as they arrive at Shiogama port in Miyagi prefecture on April 2, 2011.
Ruff Ruff :P
I am feeling much much better today. The doc's meds are working :)

So far my daily rounds go like this.
- Wake up bright and early at 6am.
- Bathroom break! Immediately :)
- Breakfast by 7am. Yummm! Antibio meds and wet food.
- Run, play, sleep til noon.
- Noon?! Lunch Time baby. But I work for my food throughout the day :P
- Run, play, learn, train and treat, sleep.
- Kids come home at 3:30pm after school. Oh ya! Play time!!!
- Dinner! 7pm. I.m loving it. (McD's?)
- Run, play, play and more play. Train? No way. Play!
- Bed time by 10pm. Back into my den/kennel. Snore.

Ruff Ruff :P

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I feel much better today after taking some of the doc's medicine. My poo is starting to firm up and my energy levels are coming back. I did poo in the house, but it wasn't my fault. My house mates forgot to take me out even though I was standing by the door wanting to be let out. What can a dog do? Ruff ruff :P

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ouch! I went to see the doc for my third set of vaccines today, 1:30pm sharp. What is up Doc?! They gave me lots of treats. But then... I found out I also had to do a poo smear! They tell me my rabies shots are in 1 week :P Ugh... a dog's life.

For the time being, I have a bit of the runs. So doc wants me on some meds for about a week to see if I get better. I look and feel great, but the runs don't make bathroom time fun.

Oh the clock! Time to sleep in my crate. Good night y'all. Ruff! :P

Sunday, April 3, 2011

From Zero G's - Puddle Jumper

Hi! My name is Puddle. Ive been living in my new house for about a week now. I am getting to know the 3 lil' ones that keep calling me 'poo-dles!'

But I must say... The treats they give me are amazing and delightful.

I had my first puppy socialization class this past Saturday. Things were going dog gone well (no pun intended!)... that's was until a big slap happy choco lab decided to invade my space. That made me mad! He didn't even brush his teeth. I held a grudge but we'll see this next Saturday. Ruff! :P