Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 419 - Trekn' through Mill Creek Ravine Park (-2 degrees Celsius)

Mill Creek Ravine Park provides Puddle an opportunity to meet other dogs in an off leash environment; the park providing 100s of acres of hiking along the creek side, valley floor. Mill Creek is one of many off leash dog parks dotted around the city. Here the city provide park benches, tables, bridge walk ways, poop bins.

View Zero G's - Puddle Jumper in a larger map

The Mill Creek Trestle Bridge is a bridge that Puddle the Edmonton Shepherd uses during his winter jaunts. The bridge is one of the last physical reminders of the existence of the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway line, which was the first rail connection between the towns of Strathcona and Edmonton. Completed in 1902, the railway followed the Mill Creek Ravine alignment and crossed the North Saskatchewan River over the Low Level Bridge, providing reliable, convenient passenger and freight transportation services between the two towns as an alternative to John Walter’s ferry further west. Passenger service was provided until 1928, but the railway continued to provide a vital link until the 1950’s between the river valley industries and Edmonton’s south side commercial centre, which offered rail connections to the remainder of the province.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 418 - Winter Trek

Walking creek side, covered in newly fallen snow (-4 degrees Celsius, overcast day) - Blackmud Creek, Edmonton Alberta.  
- February 19, 2012

Edmonton provides ample opportunity for extended jaunts and hikes..  For example, Edmonton's North Saskatchewan river valley park linked with its feeder creek extensions make it the largest urban city park system in North America.  

View Puddle G in a larger map

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Puddle the Edmonton Shepherd

Puddle approximately 35 pounds here; pictured here in August 2011.... 

Puddle the Edmonton Shepherd is a medium-sized (as at February 2012, he is approximating 50 pounds), robust, well-balanced, weather resistant, rustic male dog. 

His ears are set high at the side of the head, triangular and slightly rounded at the tip.   When the dog is at full attention the ears break forward and over, or to the side as a rose ear. 

His coat is of medium texture, straight to slightly wavy, weather resistant, of moderate length with an undercoat. The quantity of the undercoat varies with climate. Hair is short and smooth on the head, outside of the ears, front of the forelegs and below the hocks. Backs of his forelegs are moderately feathered; breeches are moderately full.  He has a natural or docked bobtail and is straight. 

His body is slightly longer than his height at the withers. The chest is not broad but is deep with the lowest point reaching the elbow. The front legs are straight, perpendicular to the ground, while his feet are oval, compact with close knit, well arched toes. The front dewclaws are not removed, but the back dewclaws have been removed. 

The overall size of the Shepherd's head is in proportion to his body, with the muzzle being equal or slightly shorter than the back skull. The stop is moderate to well-defined. The teeth form scissors and have level bite. His eyes are oval in shape and medium in size, and are mainly brown.

The coat is medium texture, straight to wavy, weather resistant and of medium length. There is feathering on the back of the legs, the mane and frill around the neck. 
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Puddle to the Left!

The one to the left reminds me of the Edmonton Shepherd - Puddle

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Mom (Ember) -

The World Championship is the culmination of each year’s Hyperflite Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship Series – the largest disc dog series in the world. The Hyperflite World Championship is the premier event in canine sports and features top competitive teams from around the world. Competitors at the World Championship earn invitations by finishing in the top spots at a Hyperflite Skyhoundz Qualifier. Competing in the Hyperflite Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship is a unique and rewarding experience, the memories of which will last a lifetime. At the World’s, the best canine disc teams on the planet go head-to-head and paw-to-paw in spirited competition as they vie for World Titles in four World Championship Divisions – Sport Division, Micro Dog Division, Pairs Freestyle and the Open Division.

Ember is making her mark on the world. 
Here is just a short list of her most recent appearances and accomplishments.

2009 September
1st place Puppy Rollers Division - Skyhoundz regional tournament

2010 September 1
Dodge World WPCA Chuckwagon Championship - Disc Dog Demo team

2010 September 3
Dodge World WPCA Chuckwagon Championship - Disc Dog Demo team

2010 September 4
5th place Freestyle Division - Skyhoundz regional tournament

2010 September 5
1st place OPEN DIVISION, Expert Class - Skyhoundz World Championship Qualifier
**This gets Ember an invitation to compete against the worlds best disc dogs and their handlers September 25-26 in Chattanooga, TN.**

2010 September 5
1st place Pairs Freestyle Division, Expert Class - Skyhoundz World Championship Qualifier
**This also gets Ember an invitation to compete against the worlds best disc dogs and their handlers September 25-26 in Chattanooga, TN.**

August 25, 2011 update
Ember has qualified for the Skyhoundz World Championships for the second year in a row, taking 1st place in the Open Expert Division! 
Ember has qualified for the USDDN World Championships taking 3rd place in Superpro Freestyle

Handler (and best buddy), Kristen McKenna

Skyhoundz Western Canada Regional Qualifier 2010

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 411 - 4 degrees of sunshine

Day 411 - Standing ready at 50 pounds. (Location: Bearspaw, Edmonton Alberta
- Currently responding to search and rescue hand signals (rather than having to use voice commands). 

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