RedDogBlueKat: "The central principal of a raw diet is feeding a variety of different foods, to provide a balanced diet over time. However, during the transition period you should start by feeding each meat source, one at a time, for a period of a week or more. This allows you to determine which meats work best for your dog and it may help identify any allergies. For the first week of the transition, we recommend a high quality game meat meal that does not contain bones, such as buffalo, to help with digestibility. Once they’ve had a chance to try each protein source, you can rotate foods every day or few days, as desired. Remember that variety is achieved over a period of a few weeks (or months) – not every day."
Pud's staple:
Baldwin Feed (Pro Energy Mix, Ground Lean Meaty Bones, or Whole Chicken Backs)
RMB (e.g. raw femur, tibia, beef neck, knuckle bones)