Puds is Powered by K-9 Choice + Raw Bones
The benefits of colloidal silver have been known for some time.
Good to know an Edmonton based company (K9 Raw products) is providing colloidal silver in its product line.
A dog on a raw based diet....
Grains are one of the major sources of canine allergies as dogs simply do not have the digestive system to cope with them. Yet, grains are the major ingredient in many commercial dog food.
Much less stools produced - they are firm and turn chalky after a couple of days.
The ripping and chewing involved in eating raw meaty bones develops the jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles of the dog. Commercial dog foods will never assist in this important muscle development.
With better health, your dog's coat will become more lustrous and shedding will decrease significantly.
The time it takes for a dog to chew a raw meaty bone gives their stomach adequate time to get digestive acids and enzymes working.
Dogs eat less - Raw food diets are completely nutritious and nearly totally efficient being void of any fillers.