Puddle approximately 35 pounds here; pictured here in August 2011.... |
Puddle the Edmonton Shepherd is a medium-sized (as at February 2012, he is approximating 50 pounds), robust, well-balanced, weather resistant, rustic male dog.
His ears are set high at the side of the head, triangular and slightly rounded at the tip. When the dog is at full attention the ears break forward and over, or to the side as a rose ear.
His coat is of medium texture, straight to slightly wavy, weather resistant, of moderate length with an undercoat. The quantity of the undercoat varies with climate. Hair is short and smooth on the head, outside of the ears, front of the forelegs and below the hocks. Backs of his forelegs are moderately feathered; breeches are moderately full. He has a natural or docked bobtail and is straight.
His body is slightly longer than his height at the withers. The chest is not broad but is deep with the lowest point reaching the elbow. The front legs are straight, perpendicular to the ground, while his feet are oval, compact with close knit, well arched toes. The front dewclaws are not removed, but the back dewclaws have been removed.
The overall size of the Shepherd's head is in proportion to his body, with the muzzle being equal or slightly shorter than the back skull. The stop is moderate to well-defined. The teeth form scissors and have level bite. His eyes are oval in shape and medium in size, and are mainly brown.
The coat is medium texture, straight to wavy, weather resistant and of medium length. There is feathering on the back of the legs, the mane and frill around the neck.